My name is Hanae, which means serenity in Arabic, and I thank you for being here.
In my recent travels, disguised as a Nymph in the middle of the rainforest under a volcano, holding a torch and guiding explorers, I found myself in a profound state of ease and flow, and connection. For that moment, I was the truth whisperer, a whimsical character made up for a spontaneous private gathering in a small paradise as the climax of a creative residence.
Stepping out of this role and into the real world, I’ve decided to remain true to the truth whisperer, and share this gift of a grounding and enthused presence with powerful innovative insights coupled with a natural leadership.
I’ve looked at the past, and I’ve seen myself over the years move fast and build projects from scratch, time and time again … with the blessing to see these complex change making undertakings take shape and move the needle indeed, in their own contexts.
I look at the present and I make the choice now to continue doing just that for the future! A desirable future. A future of progress. A future of possibilities for a better world. I care about purposeful innovation, inclusion in good faith and long-lasting impact. I care about partaking in the change, thriving in the design and long-term implementation of innovative systems, humane ones.
How do we come together in this soulful work of compassion and exponential love made visible?
Allow me to accompany you to unveil your power and speak your truth and your wisdom, through storytelling, group action learning and 1:1 sessions, learning experiences facilitation, masterminding, connections, conversations, talks and many other unseen potentialities.
Contact Hanae
+1 (202) 868-9067
Lisbon, Portugal